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Marina Ibiza ranked Spain’s second most sustainable marina

Marina Ibiza has been named Spain’s second most sustainable marina by the country’s Sustainability Observatory. This citizens’ association, after analysing various actions carried out by the marina and checking its compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the framework of the UN’s 2030 Agenda, ranked Marina Ibiza as the second most sustainable in the whole of Spain.

Ever since it opened, Marina Ibiza has been widely renowned for its management system focused on environmental care and conservation, applying this approach to all its actions with a view to being sustainable and fostering good environmental habits among its guests and visitors. Examples include the design of its facilities aimed at saving energy and recycling waste, the daily operation of the marina itself, and its never-ending determination to promote good environmental practices among its guests and partners.

Marina Ibiza has carried out numerous actions to take care of its marine surrounding. These include the installation of floating bins such as the Seabin or the Geneseas floating aspiration system, which collect and remove microplastics and macroplastics from the surface of the water via a filtration system.

The clean-up of seabed debris is another initiative that Marina Ibiza regularly implements with an expert team of divers.

What’s more, it was the first marina to install a cutting-edge water cleaning system using hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria that ‘eat’ hydrocarbons floating on the surface.

Shoreside, Marina Ibiza has also carried out various actions and implemented numerous sustainability-related improvements at its facilities, such as the installation of EV charging stations for both cars and bicycles, the placement of solar panels to heat water in the bathrooms on site, and the delivery of recycling bags to yachts to encourage the correct onboard separation of waste for subsequent recycling. In addition, the vehicles used by marina staff are also electric, from the shuttles available to guests to the loading trolleys used by the retail and hospitality premises within the marina.

Outside the facility, Marina Ibiza also gives it backing to various activities aimed at protecting the environment and the sea. It is also the founder and promoter of the International Marine Forum, which this November celebrates its fifth edition. This year, one of the main topics addressed by the forum is the need for regeneration and restoration of marine protected areas in and around the Mediterranean.

The marina is also a sponsor of Ibiza Preservation, a non-profit association that promotes the conservation and recovery of Ibiza and Formentera’s natural heritage through a host of outreach activities, the most recent of which was a treasure hunt in the village of Santa Gertrudis focused on the conservation of the Ibiza wall lizard, a protected species. About one hundred families signed up for the activity to learn about the importance of these tiny creatures for the local ecosystem.

With all these actions, Marina Ibiza works around two fundamental goals. One is to be as sustainable as possible and the other is to raise awareness among islanders, guests and visitors of the importance of taking care of the privileged environment of Ibiza and Formentera on land and at sea, so that future generations can inherit this unparalleled legacy.

As further proof of its environmental commitment, the marina has been classed as Blue Flag for twelve years running, has signed the EMAS Environmental Declaration, holds Spanish Carbon Footprint Registry certification, and has signed up to the United Nations Global Compact.


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