Company details
SERVEIS MARÍTIMS PORT EIVISSA, S.L., has its registered office at C/ Paseo Juan Carlos I, 20, 07800 Ibiza. For further information, please contact us by phone on +34 971 318 040, or by e-mail at:
SERVEIS MARÍTIMS PORT EIVISSA, S.L. has the following NIF: B 57362105.
Conditions of use
Below is a list of the regulations governing the use of the website, which SERVEIS MARÍTIMS PORT EIVISSA, S.L. makes available to users.
The SERVEIS MARÍTIMS PORT EIVISSA, S.L. website has been designed to inform users in general about the company and its activities and services. Users are understood to be all those who access or browse our website.
In general, users can access freely and without charge. SERVEIS MARÍTIMS PORT EIVISSA, S.L. may unilaterally and without prior notice modify the provision, configuration and content of the page, as well as the conditions of use of the page and access to the services provided.
The Intellectual Property Rights of this website are owned by SERVEIS MARÍTIMS PORT EIVISSA, S.L. We may therefore alter its contents (graphic design, text and codes) at any time and without prior notice. The provision of services and the publication of the contents of the website shall not at any time imply the waiver or transmission, in whole or in part, of intellectual and industrial property rights. Therefore, any reproduction, distribution, commercialisation or transformation of the contents of the website that has not been expressly authorised by its owners constitutes an infringement of the intellectual property rights protected by article 270 and following of the penal code.
Applicable law and jurisdiction
For any litigious matter or that concerns, Spanish legislation will be applied, and the Courts and Tribunals of IBIZA (BALEARIC) will be competent to resolve all conflicts derived from or related to the use of this web page. The present Conditions of Use will be governed by the provisions of Spanish law.
In the event of any discrepancy or dispute arising from the interpretation or application of these Conditions of Use, SERVEIS MARÍTIMS PORT EIVISSA, S.L. and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the company mentioned herein. In the event that the latter is domiciled outside Spain, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, they shall submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of IBIZA (BALEARIC).